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Friday 20 May 2011

White Stroke Buttons

Step 1:
Open up a fresh document, any size will work, but I've chosen 600x300px so it fits on this screen good. Fill the background a light grey. I used the color #e5e5e5.

Step 2:
Create a new layer and set your foreground color to #3e3e3e. Now grab the rounded rectangle tool with a radius of 5px. Make a rounded rectangle the width you want your bar and about 100px in height. The height doesn't have to be exact, we will be trimming it.

Step 3:
Grab the marque tool and make a box around most of the rectangle (leave arround 60px out on the top). Press delete.

Step 4:
Now lets apply stroke and gradient overlay to our bar. Open up blending options and use the following settings.
[Image: stroke4-2.png]

Step 5:
Alright, now that we have out base set up, let's add the stroke to make this thing shine. Create a new layer and zoom in so you can see individual pixels. Now grab a pencil tool with a 1px white pencil. Now you're going to draw a one pixel like across the top (1 pixel down) and round the corners by one. Take a look at the picture, you'll know what I mean.
[Image: stroke5-2.png]

Step 6:
Set the layer mode of the white stroke to overlay and lower the opacity as needed.
[Image: stroke6.png]

Step 7 (Optional):
We now have the basic bar complete. At this point you can add things to make it look a little bit different. Drop shadow with pattern overlays tend to work great! Here's a few variations:

Drop Shadow:
[Image: stroke7.png]

Pattern Overlays:
[Image: stroke7-2.png]
[Image: stroke7-3.png]
[Image: stroke7-4.png]
[Image: stroke7-5.png]
[Image: stroke7-6.png]
You can also change the colors. Pretty much any color will look good. I'll use a different color for buttons.

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